Read about recent acquisitions and gifts, programs and initiatives:  for press inquiries, please contact Executive Director Stephen O'Grady at 508-255-0183.

The recent gift of Namequoit Wood includes a mix of woodland and open habitat and affords stunning views of Pleasant Bay and its islands.

Press Release Archive:

  • Orleans Conservation Trust Receives $100,000 Grant from Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration for Namequoit Bog (November 2024)
  • Orleans Conservation Trust Receives Extraordinary Gift Of Land:  26 Acres on Pleasant Bay Protected (August 2024)
  • Orleans Voters Can Protect 4.5 Acres for Woodland And Watershed in Partnership with Orleans Conservation Trust:  South Orleans Property Will Safeguard Critical Habitat and Drinking Water (April 2024)
  • Orleans Conservation Trust Aims to Protect 4.5 Acres for Woodland and Watershed Protection: South Orleans Property Will Safeguard Critical Habitat (September 2023)
  • Orleans Conservation Trust Partners with Orleans Schools:  New Grant Program and “Outdoor Classrooms” Will Bring Kids Closer to Nature (April 2023)