Since its founding in 1970, Orleans Conservation Trust has preserved more than 700 acres in Orleans through deeded gifts, land purchases, and private conservation restrictions. Here you’ll find a complete (and growing) list of all the lands OCT has protected to date. If you’re looking mainly for places that are open to walkers and have trails, see Areas with Trails.

As the list below indicates, our landholdings include many types of habitats—from saltmarsh expanses to Atlantic white cedar swamps and from open meadows to impenetrable thickets—all with important conservation value. Properties range in size from one-third acre to the nearly 60 acres preserved by the Margaret Cochran Gift in South Orleans.

Every property is valuable in its own way: protecting a watershed, providing wildlife habitat, supporting climate resiliency, or preserving a view. When considering whether to acquire a property by purchase, the Trust carefully considers acreage, accessibility, proximity to other preserved land, habitat value, recreational value, risk for development, and the property’s current condition, among other factors.

Using this list: Clicking on the heading at the top of each column allows you to view the information in different ways. For example, you might want to see our properties listed in order of their date of acquisition, or by their size. You can use the search box to find a particular property.

Property NameStreet NameYear PreservedAcresDescription of Land
Nickerson Homes Gift (#1)Pochet Road19707Salt marsh
Knowles GiftRock Harbor Road 19718Salt marsh
Donham GiftRock Harbor Road19712Pine/oak woodland
E.C. Nickerson GiftWhippoorwill Lane19710.69Pine/oak woodland
Studley Conservation RestrictionTides End Lane19725.24Private Land-cedar woodland
Morrow Conservation RestrictionBradford Road19721.10Private Land-salt marsh
Moore Gift (#1)Tonset Road19737.05Mixed pine and hardwoods
M. "Granny" Cochran GiftDavis Road197358.59Pine/oak woodland
Dean GiftSmith Neck Road19732.49Pine/oak woodland
Smith GiftHopkins Island19743.88Pine/Oak woodland
Williams Gift (#1)Sparrowhawk Road197420Salt marsh
Nickerson Homes Gift (#2)Pochet Road19746.29Salt marsh
Williams Gift (#2)Blossom Lane19751.25Old field habitat with red cedars
Wilber GiftBrick Hill Road19763.21Pine/oak woodland
Henson GiftBittersweet Cartway19762.89Pine/oak woodland, freshwater wetland, maple swamp, salt marsh
Hagenbuckle GiftViking Road19763.55Pine forest
Gilmore GiftEli's Creek19770.93Salt marsh and upland shore
Tovrov Gift (#1)Mill Pond Road19771.3Salt marsh, shore and coastal bank
Beilby GiftHarvey's Lane19772.3Upland mixed woodland sloping to a freshwater wetland
R. Hopkins GiftCaptain Curtis Road19783.8Upland with mixed pine/oak woodland
Tovrov Gift (#2)Blue Rock Road19783.8Heavily wooded upland
Nickerson Homes Gift (#3)Pochet Marsh19788.2Salt marsh
Proctor GiftSkaket Beach Road19791.1Salt marsh
Burke Trust Gift (#1)Skaket Beach Road19796.8Upland woodland sloping down to an Atlantic white cedar swamp
Howe GiftUncle Hedley's Road19792.27Upland forest with mixed growth and wetlands containing red maples, Atlantic white cedars
Burke Trust Gift (#2)Country Crossing19791.77Wetland once used for cranberry cultivation
Williams Gift (#3)Sibsie Lane19800.75Red cedar woodland
Hanvey Gift (#1)Hopkins Lane & Pine Ridge Lane19818.69Pine/oak woodland-certified vernal pool on site
Hanvey Gift (#2)Great Oak Road19813.8Oak woodland
MacKenzie GiftRock Harbor Road19811.95Salt marsh
Morrow/Jones GiftMinister's Prim19812.87Pine/oak woodland
Litchfield GiftPochet Road19822.73Pine/black cherry woodland
Burke Trust GiftCaptain Linnell Road19823.6Salt marsh
Hofe Gift (#1)Namskaket Marsh198257.59Pine/oak woodland & salt marsh
Hofe Gift (#2)Willie Atwood Road19820.99Beach and coastal bank
Williams Gift (#4)Shore View Drive19828.2Salt marsh
Trainor/Lieberman/Hertig GiftMallard Drive 19835.44Salt marsh
D. Johnson GiftBaker's Pond Road19830.75Atlantic white cedar swamp with pine wooded upland
Williams Gift (#5)Shore View Drive19833.12Upland with red cedar trees
Payson Gift (#1)Payson Lane19841.95Wooded upland and salt marsh
Grunebaum GiftChamplain Road19850.3Coastal bank sloping to salt marsh
White Gift (#1)Apple Way19850.61Heavily invaded locust woodland
Hofe Gift (#3)Captain Linnell Road19850.34Upland sloping to scrub wetland
Payson Gift (#2)Payson Lane19851.05Shore front with salt marsh, coastal bank, field growth and mixed scrub and cedar
Payson Gift (#3)Payson Lane19850.84Upland with associated salt marsh system
Payson Gift (#4)Payson Lane19851.21Upland with associated salt marsh system
Wildt GiftHensons Way19852.23Pine/oak woodland with black locust mixed in and a wetland swamp
Hofe Gift (#4)Captain Linnell Road19860.49Small pine/oak woodland
Kinne GiftSturbridge Drive19861.91Oak woodland
Earl GiftTar Kiln Road19863.5Salt marsh
Cullen GiftOlliver's Way19861.86Pine/red cedar woodland stretching to Mill Pond's shore
Croll/Martin/LeStage Conservation RestrictionBarley Neck Road19874.97Private Land-early succession field habitat
Williams Gift (#6)Sibsie Lane19870.56Mixed woodland
Polite GiftStony Island Way19881.36Old field dominated by red cedar trees
Young/Flint GiftChamplain Road19891.26Property rehabilitated to an early succession field habitat
White Gift (#2)Hensons Way19897.39Restored early succession field, salt marsh, and brackish wetland
Gilmore Conservation RestrictionPortanimicut Road19892.42Private Land-early succession field habitat
Campbell GiftLoomis Lane19901.56Salt marsh
Payson/Parra GiftPayson Lane19903.86Dense red cedar tree growth over old field, small freshwater wetland
Mauch GiftOld Duck Hole Road & Lovell Lane19906.43Pine/oak/red cedar woodland and salt marsh edges
Ellis/Hart GiftBaker's Pond Road19901.43Pine/oak woodland
Cox GiftHayward Lane19900.53Dense black locust trees
Hannum GiftDuck Farm Lane19901.49Early succession field habitat
Sparrow GiftSouth Orleans Road19901.42Pine/oak woodland with small freshwater wetland
Moerschner GiftCheney Road19911.17Old field habitat made up of oak, red cedars, black walnut, and fruit trees
Welch GiftRipple Cove Circle19910.58Oak trees sloping down to overgrown meadow and dense brush around fresh water wetland
Kaitz GiftDylan Way19910.66Upland of pine/oak woodland
Seikel GiftNamequoit Road19913.29Pine/oak woodland with tupelos abutting Atlantic white cedar swamp
Shactman Conservation RestrictionForest Way19910.97Private Land-pine/oak woodland
Grunebaum GiftChamplain Road19910.51Salt marsh
Wineman GiftHarvey's Lane19910.72Black locust trees with a dense understory of invasive species
Williams Gift (#7)Sibsie Lane19920.38Red cedar woodland
S. & L. Payson GiftBarley Neck Road19920.88Red cedar woodland
N. Johnson Conservation RestrictionDunlukin Lane19928.26Private Land-pine/oak woodland
Finlay PurchasePleasant Bay19924.6Island in Pleasant Bay containing red cedar trees and low growth scrub grasses
R. Heyelman Gift (#1)Quanset Road19931Atlantic white cedar swamp
R. Heyelman Gift (#2)Pochet Road19931.22Old cranberry bog made up of very dense vegetation
R. Heyelman Gift (#3)Quanset Road19931.8Old cranberry bog made up of red maples/Atlantic white cedar trees
Henson Conservation Restriction (#1)Barley Neck Road19932.76Private Land-early succession field habitat
Fleck Gift (#1)Quanset Road199316.01Pine/oak forest
Fleck Gift (#2)Mizzentop Lane19945.19Pine/oak forest
Gallagher Conservation RestrictionPortanimicut Road19942.38Private Land-early succession field habitat
Simmons GiftTides End Lane19941.31Salt marsh on Meetinghouse Pond
White Gift (#3)Hensons Way19950.96Pine/oak woodland
Caia/Cass GiftGreymoor Road19950.5Freshwater wetland-certified vernal pool on site
Nichols GiftNichols Road19952.91Freshwater wetland with red cedars
White Gift (#4)Hensons Way19961.6Pine/oak woodland sloping down to freshwater wetland
The Building Company GiftMorningside Circle19960.66Old field habitat with small wetland-certified vernal pool on site
Moore Children's Land Trust GiftBrick Hill Road19969.21Pine/oak woodland with non-native sycamore maples & black locust
Tovrov Gift (#3)Champlain Road199611.2Densly vegetated upland valley stretching to a coastal shore-certified vernal pool on site
Payson Conservation RestrictionPayson Lane19973.68Private Land-cedar woodland on Little Pleasant Bay
Martin GiftTonset Road19971.14Old field habitat containing black locust trees
Miner Purchase Cranberry Highway19983Small pocket park sloping to Boland Pond
Knox/Raymond GiftMonument Road19981.8Oak tree species stretching to a red maple swamp
Sparrow Conservation Restriction South Orleans Road199812Town Land-pine/oak woodland with unique American chestnut trees
C. Heyelman Purchase Namequoit Road199822.5Pine/oak woodland, wetland & old growth Atlantic white cedars/red maples
Moore Gift (#2)Brick Hill Road19980.09Pine/oak woodland with black locust & sycamore maples
Earle Conservation RestrictionSouth Orleans Road19983.76Private Land
Williams Gift (#8)Sibsie Lane19980.74Old field overgrown with red cedars stretching to coastal bank
Henson Conservation Restriction (#2)Weston Taylors Lane19980.94Private Land-early succession field habitat
Thomsen Conservation RestrictionPayson Lane19981.61Private Land-pine/oak woodland on Little Pleasant Bay
Davis Conservation RestrictionCygnet Way19982Private Land-pine/oak woodland on Pilgram Lake
Whitlock Gift (#1)Freeman Lane19982.11Mixed woodland with oaks, pines, black locust-certified vernal pool on site
Herman GiftTar Kiln Road19981Pine/oak woodland sloping to salt marsh
Lipton GiftNauset Knolls Lane19981Pitch pine knoll
Tonset Connector GiftBrick Hill Road19980.15Pine/oak woodland with patches of black locust
Davis GiftCygnet Lane19992.49Pine/oak woodland sloping down to Pilgrim Lake
Rogers Conservation RestrictionFernwood Drive19996.26Private Land-pine/oak woodland stretching to Little Pleasant Bay
MacPhail Conservation RestrictionGilman Lane19991.24Private Land-cedar woodland on coastal bank of Pochet Inlet
Ryan Conservation RestrictionQuanset Road19993.8Private Land-pine/oak woodland
Nichols Conservation RestrictionOld Field Road199915.96Private Land-wooded coastal area
Keller PurchaseQuanset Road19997.25Pine/oak woodland
Whitehurst GiftMizzentop Lane19991Oak woodland
Davis Conservation RestrictionFreeman Lane19991.57Private Land
Cullen GiftOlivers Way19990.91Old field with red cedar woodland
Ewald GiftFox Ridge Drive20003.16Early succession field habitat with freshwater wetland-certified vernal pool on site
Tovrov Gift (#4)Champlain Road20000.96Red cedar/pitch pine hillside
Whitlock Estates Purchase (#1)Tonset Road20002.33Pine/oak woodland with patches of red cedars
Whitlock Estates Purchase (#2)Uncle Jim's Way20003.5Pine/oak woodland
Peterson Conservation RestrictionSouth Orleans Road20008.93Private Land-pine/oak woodland
Rebenfield PurchaseMarsh Lane20000.93Salt marsh
Tovrov Gift (#5)Champlain Road20010.76Red cedar/pitch pine hillside
Whitlock Gift (#2)Uncle Jim's Way20012.06Pine/oak woodland with patches of red cedars
Boas Conservation RestrictionBoas Drive20011.89Private Land-pine/oak woodland
DeWitt GiftGrandview Drive20010.69Black cherry with dense invasive species understory
Hopkins/Martin Conservation RestrictionPond Road20021.42Private Land-cedar woodland between Mill Pond and Cedar Cove
Parra GiftPayson Lane20021.15Red cedar woodland sloping to Little Pleasant Bay
Boas Conservation RestrictionSongbird Circle20031.99Private Land-pine/oak woodland abutting Namskaket marsh
Beals Conservation RestrictionRock Harbor Road20032.28Private Land-pine/oak woodland
E. Cochran Conservation Restriction Horseshoe Lane20040.76Private Land-pine/oak woodland
Kenrick Woods Conservation Restriction Namequoit Road200420.31Private Land-pine/oak woodland with American chestnut trees
M. Cochran Conservation Restriction Horseshoe Lane20041.02Private Land-cedar woodland
Dicke Conservation RestrictionDavis Road20042.43Private Land-early succession field habitat
Moore Conservation RestrictionBrick Hill Road20059.35Private Land-pine/oak woodland abutting Ice House Pond
Pleasant Bay Narrow's Trust Conservation RestrictionHorseshoe Lane/Margaret's Lane20059.2Private Land-cedar woodland stretching to The Narrow's within Pleasant Bay
Brooks PurchaseQuanset Road20052.92Pine/oak woodland
Eskin Gift (#1)Camp Road20060.93Pine/oak woodland
Young-Williams GiftSibsie Lane20060.61Overgrown field made up of a red cedar woodland
Great Blue Trust Conservation RestrictionPayson Lane20061.64Private Land-cedar woodland on Pleasant Bay
Daniels Conservation RestrictionKenneth Lane20071.72Private Land-pine/oak woodland
C. Cochran GiftHorseshoe Lane20082.34Pine/oak woodland
Eskin Gift (#2)Grassy Knoll20081.6Pine/oak woodland
Meaney GiftGrassy Knoll20081.71Pine/oak woodland
Nelson GiftArey's Lane20091.6Pine/oak woodland sloping to Pilgim Lake
A. Fleck-Henderson PurchaseTwinings Lane20101.86Pine/oak woodland sloping to Twinings Pond
Giffen PurchaseMonument Road20121.77Oak woodland that slopes north/northwest to a freshwater wetland
Ex-Hamar Conservation RestrictionCliff Pond Road20123.1Private Land-pine/oak woodland
A. Fleck-Henderson and A. Fleck PurchaseTwinings Lane20122.7Pine/oak woodland sloping north to Twinings Pond
Winslow GiftQuanset Road20133.1Red maple woodland
Haubner GiftMiner Lane20130.66Red cedar woodland
Fleck Conservation RestrictionTwinings Lane20131.48Private Land-pine/oak woodland
McMahan GiftMorgan's Way20141.44Pine/oak woodland
Brooks GiftQuanset Road20144Former freshwater wetland; salt marsh on Pleasant Bay
Trump GiftLake Farm Lane20157.23Red maple woodland
Braddock GiftBraddock's Way20152.1Pine/oak woodland
Ragsdale GiftRock Harbor Road & Prence Lane20162.38Atlantic white cedar/red maple swamp
Truesdale GiftCaptain Curtis Way20160.56Oak woodland with vernal pool
Cullen GiftOlivers Way20160.9Red cedar woodland to edge of Mill Pond
Fort Hill LLC GiftPortanimicut Road20174.84Pond and vegetated wetland (former cranberry bog)
Tom's Hollow PurchaseTom's Hollow Lane 20171.4Oak woodland with vernal pool
Cullen PurchaseOlivers Way 20182.08Red cedar woodland
Braddock PurchaseBraddock's Way 20181.71Pine/oak wooded upland
Smith/Demorais GiftSea Breeze Lane Gift20190.47Early successional upland
Noerdlinger Conservation RestrictionBarley Neck Road20203.11Private Land-grassland habitat
Heaton Purchase (#1)Portanimicut Road20201.37Pine/oak upland
Heaton Purchase (#2)Portanimicut Road20201.84Pine/oak upland with vernal pool
Horan Purchase (#1)Portanimicut Road20200.92Grassy upland
Braddock Purchase (#2)Braddock's Way20213.74Wooded upland abutting salt marsh and Henson's Cove
Riley PurchaseMonument Road20211Wooded upland and small white cedar swamp on Crystal Lake
Sipson Island Conservation RestrictionsSipson Island202120.93Mix of beach, coastal bank, wooded and open upland
Peck Conservation RestrictionPeck's Way20212.54Pine/oak upland abutting Namequoit River
Horan Purchase (#2)Portanimicut Road20220.92Grassy upland fronting on salt marsh
Martin PurchaseRichwood Farm Road20222.07Pine/oak upland, shrubland vernal pool
Bento PurchaseEli Rogers Road20244.56Sloping pine/oak upland, isolated shrub wetland
Namequoit Wood (anonymous gift)Viking Road202425.79Pine/oak upland, vernal pool, Pleasant Bay beachfront