Upcoming Special Members Meeting – April 26

Meeting Agenda

Date: Sunday, April 26, 2015 Rock off Tonset Road
Time: 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Location: Orleans Yacht Club – 39 Cove Road, Orleans
Details: This Special Meeting has been scheduled to update Members on the recent activities of the organization, and approve the Amended Declaration of Trust (DoT). In March and April of this year Members have be asked to approve this revised DoT.

The process of updating the Trust’s founding document has been comprehensive and rewarding, including careful legal review and three special meetings that provided helpful feedback from Members over the last year.  The successful amendment of our Declaration of Trust  will result in the strengthening of the Trust at every level, further protecting the 630 acres in our care today, and ensure our governing documents meet the needs of a 21st century land trust.

The Trustees wish to thank all those Members who contributed to this process, helping us to build a stronger Orleans Conservation Trust. For more information about the Amended Declaration of Trust or to review the document please click HERE.