Interested in Becoming an OCT Trustee?

Nominations for Trustee Candidates now open! Sea Call2

Trustee Nomination Form (Word) 

Trustee Nomination Form (PDF)


  • Attend, in person or by phone, monthly Board meetings and other regularly-scheduled Board level meetings;
  • Serve on at least one committee each year; attend and actively participate in the committee’s work;
  • Attend the Annual Meeting;
  • Be able to represent the OCT positively and knowledgeably;
  • Promote good relations between the OCT and the public, other land conservation groups and government entities;
  • Accept leadership positions on the Board as experience and time allow;
  • Financially support the Trust.

Useful Experience and Skills

  • Understanding of, and commitment to, the purposes of the OCT;
  • Experience or knowledge in at least one of the following areas: agriculture, community relations, natural resource management, conservation, education, environmental science, fundraising, law, finance, non-profit organization management, public relations, real estate transactions, volunteer recruitment, or any other area in which the person would make a valuable contribution to the OCT;
  • Energetic and respected individual;
  • Preferably knowledgeable and appreciative of the natural history and resources in the area.

 Click here for the Trust’s Nominating, Vetting and Election of Trustees Policy