Baker’s Pond Conservation Area

Acres: 35+ (Between Orleans and Brewster)

Total Trail Length: Varies depending on loop – up to 3 miles
Parking: 80 Baker’s Pond Road, Orleans

Conservation History and Importance:
The Town of Orleans acquired several parcels, formerly part of the Corrigan property, in 1988 for conservation, open space, and recreation purposes.  The property comprises two parcels totaling an area of 16.5 acres with Bakers Pond to the north. The Bakers Pond Conservation Area is part of a contiguous natural area from Nickerson State Park in Brewster across Route 6 to the watershed in Orleans. Bakers Pond is a classic coastal plain kettle pond with a wide sandy shoreline, which is inundated seasonally when the water table is high. This wide beach supports a substantial and unique plant community including the rare Spatulate-leaved sun-dew and Plymouth gentian.

Trailhead Parking:

Directions: From Orleans shopping center (Shaw’s) follow Rt. 6A west towards Brewster for 1.0 miles. Take a left onto Bakers Pond Road and follow for .6 miles. Town parking will be on your right.