2014 Annual Meeting Guest Speaker

White Sharks in the North Atlantic Smaller size

Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Time: 5:00pm- 6:00pm (Doors open at 4:30 pm cash bar)
Location: Orleans Yacht Club, 39 Cove Road, Orleans
Price: Free!

Speaker: Cynthia Wigren, co-founder of Atlantic White Shark Conservancy and The Gills Club

Details: Despite its well-established presence in the North Atlantic, the white shark is not considered an abundant species. Off the coast of Cape Cod, scientists have predictable access to white sharks, but rely on outside funding to conduct research. Atlantic White Shark Conservancy (AWSC) was established in 2012 to fund white shark research and promote shark education. From 2009-2013, Massachusetts scientists have tagged 39 white sharks with coded acoustic transmitters and/or satellite-based tracking tags to examine fine- and broad-scale movements, habitat use, site fidelity, and residency along the east coast of the US. In 2014, these scientists began a multi-year study to estimate local and regional white shark population sizes in the Western North Atlantic.  This presentation provides information on AWSC and highlights the results of the research.

Directions: From Orleans center, head east on Rt.6A towards Eastham. Follow for .3 miles and take a right onto Cove Road. Orleans Yacht Club will be on the end to the right.